Extension Helpers

The generator context provides several utility methods that make writing extensions easier. These utility methods are called helpers because they help you to write extensions.

Access helpers

The helpers are located on the generator context, which provides the GeneratorContext API. Thus, to use the helpers, you need a reference to the generator context.

There are two ways to get the generator context. If the listener functions are defined within the register function for the extension, they can access the generator context from the register function by way of variable scoping. Otherwise, the listener function can reference the generator context using the standard this keyword. The generator context is bound to the listener function when the listener function is registered.


One way to access context variables is to accept them via the first parameter of the register function or event listener function using object destructuring (e.g., { playbook }). However, there may be situations where a context variable is only needed conditionally. To simplify the function signature, you can retrieve context variables directly from the generator context using the getVariables helper.

Here’s an example of how to access context variables from the generator context (bound to this) using the getVariables method:

const { playbook, contentCatalog } = this.getVariables()

Note that parameter destructuring is still the only way for the register function to access the config object for an extension.


The updateVariables helper method provides a means for adding or replacing context variables. The method accepts a single argument of type Object, where the keys of the object are the variable names and the values are the variable values. This method doesn’t return a value.

If you want to remove a variable, specify the value as undefined. Keep in mind that locked variables can’t be replaced.

Here’s an example that shows how to replace the playbook and siteCatalog variables from a listener:

playbook = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(playbook))
siteCatalog = new Proxy(siteCatalog, {})
this.updateVariables({ playbook, siteCatalog })

You can also use the updateVariables method to introduce new variables into the context. The site generator will not recognize or use these variables. However, other extensions, or listeners in the same extension, can use them.


The stop helper method provides a way to stop the operation of the generator using an orderly shutdown. This method accepts an optional exit code value and doesn’t return a value.

When called, this method causes the context to emit the contextStopped and contextClosed events. If any messages are logged that exceed the failure level threshold, Antora will exit with a non-zero exit code. Otherwise, Antora will exit with the specified exit code or, if no exit code is specified, a zero exit code (i.e., successfully).

The stop helper is useful if you only need to run Antora partially and don’t want to throw an error to make Antora stop. You might use it for warming up a cache or performing reference validation. Keep in mind that if you call stop in any listener before the sitePublished event, Antora won’t publish the site.

Here’s an example that shows how to signal to Antora in a listener to stop processing:

console.log('Our work is done here. Wrap it up.')


The getLogger helper method allows you to retrieve an instance of the logger.

Here’s an example that shows how to retrieve an instance of the logger and use it in a listener:

module.exports.register = function () {
  const logger = this.getLogger('extension-name')
  this.on('playbookBuilt', () => {
    logger.info('Let it be known. The playbook has been built!')

You’ll see the following message in your terminal when you run Antora with this extension enabled (and the --log-level=info option):

[12:24:37.731] INFO (extension-name): Let it be known. The playbook has been built!


The require helper method allows you to require libraries within the context of the Antora installation. This method accepts a single argument of type String, which is a require request (i.e., the name of a Node.js module or a source file within a module). This method returns the object that the specified module or source file exports. If the request can’t be resolved, the method throws an Error with code MODULE_NOT_FOUND.

From time to time when writing extensions, you may need to access code provided by Antora. Examples include the logger, the ContentCatalog, or a utility function like parseResourceId. This method allows you to require this code without having to declare a dependency on Antora. That dependency is implicit since the extension runs within the context of Antora. This method provides a way to require that code.

Here’s an example that shows how to get the version of the site generator that is currently running from a listener:

const { name, version } = this.require('@antora/site-generator/package')
console.log(`Running ${name} version ${version}`)

Since the extension is already running in the context of the site generator, here’s a slightly simpler way to achieve the same result:

const { name, version } = this.require('../package')
console.log(`Running ${name} version ${version}`)

For a more practical example, you can use the require helper method to create a child logger for your extension. Typically, you’d do so in the register function, then access the same instance of the logger throughout your extension.

module.exports.register = function () {
  const logger = this.require('@antora/logger')('extension-name')
  this.on('playbookBuilt', () => {
    logger.info('Let it be known. The playbook has been built!')

You’ll see the following message in your terminal when you run Antora with this extension enabled (and the --log-level=info option):

[12:24:37.731] INFO (extension-name): Let it be known. The playbook has been built!

A simpler way to retrieve a logger instance is to use the getLogger(String) method.