Log Format

The log format key specifies the format of the log messages.

The log format, and all other log settings, are not honored if a fatal error is thrown before Antora fully configures the playbook. Instead, the error message is printed directly to standard error (STDERR).

Default log format

Explicitly assigning a value to the format key is optional. When format isn’t set, Antora assigns one of the key’s accepted values, either json or pretty, based on the environment it detects at runtime. Antora assigns the value pretty to the format key when the terminal is interactive (TTY) or it detects a continuous integration environment (CI=true). In all other cases, Antora uses the json value.

format key

The format key is configured under the runtime and log keys in a playbook.

Example 1. antora-playbook.yml
    format: json

The format key accepts the following built-in values:


Default when terminal is not interactive an Antora is not running in a CI environment. The structured log messages are emitted in JSON format to the standard out stream (STDOUT) so they can be piped to other applications and processed. The output adheres to the JSON Lines (jsonl) text format (also known as Newline delimited JSON, or ndjson). Each message is output on its own line using UTF-8 encoding and each line is a valid JSON value. The levels of the messages are expressed as labels, error, info, etc., by default. The level format can be changed to numbers by setting the log.level_format key and assigning the value number to it.


Default if CI=true or terminal is interactive. The log messages are formatted for readability and emitted to the standard error stream (STDERR).

The format key can also be specified using the --log-format option or ANTORA_LOG_FORMAT variable.

CI environment variable

Continuous integration (CI) environments, such as Netlify, GitHub Actions, GitLab CI, and many others, typically set the continuous integration environment variable (CI) to true. Antora uses this environment variable to determine when it’s running in a CI environment and change its behavior accordingly.


To emit formatted log messages, assign the pretty value to the format key in your playbook.

Example 2. Assign pretty value to format key
    format: pretty

Now when you run Antora, it will emit log messages to STDERR. Antora tries to be smart about the use of color. When Antora writes log messages to a standard stream, such as STDERR, it will colorize the prettified log messages if the terminal supports color.

If you run Antora from your terminal, the formatted log messages are displayed there. Example 3 shows a prettified log message (without color) for an xref error.

Example 3. Log message output using pretty format
[16:03:00.691] ERROR (asciidoctor): target of xref not found: a-page.adoc
    file: /home/computer/my-projects/project/docs/modules/module-name/pages/index.adoc:54 (1)
    source: /home/computer/my-projects/project (refname: my-branch <worktree>, start path: docs)
1 To display the line number where an error occurs, set the sourcemap key.

You can prevent Antora from colorizing the prettified log messages by setting the NO_COLOR environment variable when you run Antora.

$ NO_COLOR=1 antora antora-playbook.yml

Antora will never apply color to the log message if the NO_COLOR environment variable is set, regardless of the capabilities of the terminal. If you want to force Antora to apply color, even if it doesn’t detect color support in the terminal, set the FORCE_COLOR environment variable instead (e.g., FORCE_COLOR=1).


To emit structured log messages in JSON format, assign the json value to the format key in your playbook.

Example 4. Assign json value to format key
    format: json

When Antora runs, any log messages are emitted to STDOUT. Example 5 shows a structured log message about an xref error.

Example 5. Log message output in JSON
{"level":"error","time":1627682525543,"name":"asciidoctor","file":{"path":"/home/computer/my-projects/project/docs/modules/module-name/pages/index.adoc","line":54},"source":{"url":"https://gitlab.com/org/project.git","worktree":"/home/computer/my-projects/project","refname":"my-branch","startPath":"docs"},"msg":"target of xref not found: a-page.adoc"}

A structured log message is made up of a series of key-value pairs. Each key indicates a log message field, such as level, and each value records the logging information for that field, such as error.

Process JSON messages

JSON formatted messages can be directed to a separate application or sent to log ingestion services for parsing, search, and analysis. A popular tool for working with JSON messages is jq. jq is a JSON processor; a command line tool to select, filter, and reshape JSON messages.

Here’s an example that shows how to pipe JSON formatted log messages generated by Antora to jq.

$ antora antora-playbook.yml | jq

Example 6 shows the result of structured log message for an xref error that’s been piped to jq to make it easier to read.

Example 6. Log message output piped to jq
  "level": "error",
  "time": 1627683497637,
  "name": "asciidoctor",
  "file": {
    "path": "/home/user/projects/project/docs/modules/module-name/pages/index.adoc",
    "line": 54
  "source": {
    "url": "https://gitlab.com/org/project.git",
    "worktree": "/home/user/projects/project",
    "refname": "my-branch",
    "startPath": "docs"
  "msg": "target of xref not found: a-page.adoc"

You can also use jq to filter messages. For example, if you only want to see xref errors from Asciidoctor, ignoring all other errors, you can add a select filter to the jq command.

$ antora --log-level=error antora-playbook.yml | \
  jq 'select(.name == "asciidoctor" and (.msg | contains(" not found:")))'

If you’re only building part of your site, and you want to filter out warnings to “offsite” pages, you can add an ignore filter to the jq command.

$ antora antora-playbook.yml | \
  jq 'select(.msg | contains(" not found: missing-component-name:") | not)'

You can pipe to jq multiple times to select or ignore additional messages. See the reference documentation for the select function to learn more about how to use it.

If you want the result set from jq to be displayed in prettified format, you can pipe that result to pino-pretty. Since pino-pretty is a dependency of Antora, you can invoke it using npx.

$ antora antora-playbook.yml | jq -cM | npx pino-pretty

The -c option tells jq to keep the output in JSON lines format and the -M option turns off color in the data passed to pino-pretty. The prettified messages aren’t quite as pretty as the output Antora produces, though it is possible to customize pino-pretty to achieve a similar result.

Log format option

You don’t have to modify the playbook file directly to set the format key. You can use the --log-format option from the CLI.

$ antora --log-format=json antora-playbook.yml

The --log-format option overrides the value assigned to the format key or to the ANTORA_LOG_FORMAT environment variable.

However, recall that if you pipe the output to another program, and the log format has not been specified, Antora will automatically switch to the JSON format.

level_format key

When the log format is JSON (json), each log level correlates to a label and a number. The JSON format expresses a level as a label, such as error or info, by default. However, some tools require the level to be a number. The format of the level can be configured with the level_format key. The level_format key is configured under the runtime and log keys in a playbook.

Example 7. Assign number value to level_format key
    format: json
    level_format: number

The level_format key accepts the built-in values label and number. The default value is label. If the log format is pretty, the value assigned to the level_format key is ignored and levels are always expressed as labels.

Level format option

You don’t have to modify the playbook file directly to set the level_format key. You can use the --log-level-format option from the CLI.

$ antora --log-format=json --log-level-format=number antora-playbook.yml

The --log-level-format option overrides the value assigned to the level_format key or to the ANTORA_LOG_LEVEL_FORMAT environment variable.