Antora Maven Plugin Documentation

The Antora Maven plugin provides an interface for running Antora in a Maven project.

When using this plugin, you don’t need to have Node.js or Antora preinstalled. Instead, you rely on the plugin to set up and run Antora using the configuration specified in the plugin declaration or one of its executions.


The Antora Maven plugin adds the following support for Antora to a Maven-based project:

  • antora Lifecycle - A new Maven lifecycle for building Antora projects.

  • antora:antora Goal - A goal named antora:antora that installs Node.js, npm, and Antora, then invokes Antora.

  • antora:help Goal - A goal named antora:help that displays help information for the plugin goals and configuration parameters.

Check out the Gradle Antora Plugin to find a similar plugin for Gradle-based projects.