antora:help Goal
Displays help information about the goals and parameters of the Antora Maven plugin.
- Plugin artifact
- Fully-qualified name
- Default phase
- Requirements
Does not require a project
Does not require dependency resolution or collection
Does not require online
Is thread safe
The help information for the Antora Maven plugin can be displayed before or after the plugin has been added to the project.
To display the help before adding the plugin to your project, you must reference the plugin using its fully qualified artifact name (i.e., <groupId>:<artifactId>
or <groupId>:<artifactId>:<version>
If no version is specified, Maven will select the latest version.
$ mvn org.antora:antora-maven-plugin:help
The plugin will be downloaded and installed into your local Maven repository on demand.
If the plugin is added to the project, you can reference the plugin using the goal prefix, which is antora
$ mvn antora:help
The output generated by the help goal can be configured using its optional parameters.
You can also use the Maven $ mvn help:describe -Dplugin=org.antora:antora-maven-plugin To check whether the $ mvn help:describe -Dcmd=antora Refer to the Maven help:describe documentation for more information about usage and available parameters. |
Configuration parameters
The parameters listed below are optional.
If set, displays all available parameters for each goal or the specified goal.
$ mvn antora:help -Ddetail=true
- Type
- Default value
- User property
The name of the goal for which you want help displayed. If the parameter is unspecified, the help for all goals is displayed.
$ mvn antora:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal=antora
- Type
- User property