antora Lifecycle

When extensions are enabled, the Antora Maven plugin adds a new lifecycle named antora. The antora:antora goal with the execution ID default-antora is bound to the antora phase in that lifecycle. Effectively, the antora phase will perform the same work as the antora:antora goal. The lifecycle also includes pre- and post- phases, as described in the following table.

Table 1. Antora lifecycle phases
Phase Description


A placeholder for processes that need to be performed before Antora runs.


Runs Antora by invoking the antora:antora goal (with the execution ID default-antora).


A placeholder for processes that need to be performed after Antora runs.

Together, the three phases of the antora lifecycle allow you to bind other plugins to them for performing work with or around the Antora call.

Adding <extensions>true</extensions> to the plugin declaration is what allows you use the antora phase in place of the antora:antora goal.

The antora lifecycle is isolated, meaning it does not invoke any of the phases in the default Maven lifecycle.