
Images are source files, such as photographs, diagrams, and screenshots, that are stored in an images family directory. An image can be inserted into any page or partial, regardless of the module or component version it belongs to, using an AsciiDoc image macro. AsciiDoc supports the PNG, JPG, SVG, and GIF (static and animated) image file formats. It’s also possible to create a link to an image using the xref macro.

Block and inline image macros

There are two AsciiDoc image macro types, block and inline. A block image is displayed as a discrete element on a page.

Example 1. Block image macro
This is a paragraph.


An inline image is displayed in the flow of another element, such as a paragraph or sidebar block.

Example 2. Inline image macro
This sentence contains an inline image:resource-id-of-target-image.ext[] image.

Using the xref element attribute, you can reference a page, attachment, element, or even another image from an image embedded in a page.

Example 3. xref element attribute assigned to an image macro

See Resource Links From Images to learn more.

AsciiDoc xref macro for images

An image can be cross referenced from a page using an AsciiDoc xref macro and the images’ resource ID (which must include the family). The syntax follows that of an attachment reference, except that the family must be image instead of attachment. The result will be a link to an image rather than the rendered image.

If you want the image to be rendered in the page with a link to itself, use the self link on the image macro instead.

Example 4 shows the structure of an xref macro with an images’ fully qualified resource ID.

Example 4. Xref macro structure for referencing an image
xref:version@component:module:image$file-coordinate-of-image.ext[optional link text]

At a minimum, an xref macro consists of the macro’s prefix (xref:), the resource ID of the target image, and a set of square brackets ([]). The target image is the image source file that’s being referenced by the current page. The target image is referenced by assigning its resource ID to an xref macro in the content of the current page. The current page is the page source file containing the xref macro that references the target image.

How many of the target images’ resource ID coordinates you need to specify depends on the component version and module of the target attachment in relation to the current page.

Here’s a concrete example that shows how to link to an image in the same module:

Click the image xref:image$my-image.png[] to see a screenshot of the form.

When linking to an image, the xref macro is structured and behaves much like when it’s assigned the resource ID of a page, with three differences:

  • The resource ID of an attachment must specify the image$ family coordinate when an image is assigned to an xref macro, otherwise Antora will assume the resource ID is that of a page at runtime.

  • A fragment (element ID) can’t be appended to the end of the image’s resource ID.

  • Images don’t have default reference text. If link text isn’t specified in the xref macro, the target of the xref is displayed as the link text.